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Services and Timetables FAQ
Within this topic:
Train Timetables
Are normal services running today/tomorrow?
Major disruptions to services from St Pancras International will be listed on the main homepage. If you have a query about a specific train, you must check Eurostar, the National Rail page, or contact the St Pancras International station directly, as live departures are not listed on the station site.
What are the times for the high speed services? For more information on high speed domestic services, please refer to High Speed Rail.
What are the times for international services? To locate the time of a specific International Service, please refer to Eurostar.
Stops and Stations
Are trains from other stations stopping at St Pancras?
St Pancras International is the terminating station for high speed and international services.
What stations can I access from St Pancras? From St Pancras International, you can access any other high speed station including Ebbsfleet International, Ashford International and Stratford, as well as any other international station including Paris and Brussels. There are also connections for National Rail and London Underground services.
Other Public Transport Links
Are there any bus services that link to St Pancras International?
Other Travel Arrangements
Are there any coach services that link to St Pancras International? There are 6 coach bays, so for private hire coaches please contact the company itself.
Can I take my car on the train with me?
No, Eurostar and HSS are passenger, not freight or vehicle services. For these services, you will have to check other Eurotunnel arrangements from High Speed 1.
Can I stay at St Pancras International overnight?
No, all international stations close once the last train has left the terminal. There is overnight parking available, and there are nearby hotels, but for opening and closing times please refer to St Pancras International.