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London Canal Museum
The exhibitions show the history of the London canals, you can see inside a narrow boat cabin. You can see the huge Victorian ice wall and find out history of horses that used to pull the boats and people who lived and worked on waterways. London canals have a fascinating past and the waterways museum tells the story of the ice industry in London. The museum was built in 1992, telling the story of the capital's canals from their early days as vital trade routes, to today's corridors of leisure and urban greenery for boats, walkers, and cyclists.
HistoryThe London Canal Museum was created in 1992 to display information about London’s canal systems. The museum is located in the King’s Cross area inside of a Victorian ice warehouse that was once used by Carlo Gatti. The building was built around the 1860s to store the ice delivered from Norway via ship and canal barge. What the Museum has to OfferToday, there are still two ice wells present; one of which is visible at the museum. The museum has an appropriate location because it is located on the Regent’s Canal inside the Battlebridge Basin. The museum offers many exhibits including canal arts and crafts, water and locks, the ice trade, lifting and handling cargo, and the museum’s Bantam Tug, among other items. Aside from regular museum activities, they host a mixture of other events throughout the month. For example, summer family activities, Halloween events, guided tours of the Islington Tunnel, and illustrated talks to name a few.About the MuseumThe museum is self-funded, independently ran, and basically managed by volunteers. It commonly earns extra income by renting the venue to private functions. In 2008, the London Canal Museum became the first in London to achieve a bronze award from the Green Tourism Business Scheme. More recently, they were reevaluated at the end of 2010 and awarded a silver award. They continue to reduce water and electricity consumption while taking the environment into account during decision making. The museum is a must-see attraction for those interested in the canal system and London’s history. You will find this attraction is located only five minutes from the new St Pancras International. |