St Pancras tourist information, travel and accommodation services for areas near St Pancras and travel to Europe. We are sponsored by various local companies and services.
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Rail Maps
Railway Services to Europe.
St. Pancras to EuropeTrain Travel to many top destinations including;
Transport from St. Pancras and Kings Cross
Kings Cross St. Pancras, is completely wheelchair accessible with ramps from the road entrance to all platforms. St. Pancras International is one of the busiest stations in the City of London with connections to France, Belgium, Holland (Netherlands), Germany and Switzerland. Tourists have direct rail connections to visit Paris, Lille and Brussels, interconnections to the Alps, Disneyland Paris and Holland. The stations are a major interchange, with two national rail stations - St. Pancras and King's Cross train and underground station for commuter journeys, the stations are located in the London Borough of Camden. |