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The Netherlands, often inaccurately called Holland, are in northwest Europe, and is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, famous for national symbols such as tulips and windmills. However, the country is also famous for its artwork, for example, the “Dutch Masters”, a group of artists including Rembrandt van Rjin, Johannes Vermeer, Vincent van Gogh, Piet Mondriaan, and M.C. Escher the graphics artist. Dutch culture is very diverse, and the cuisine is mild in flavour, and consists of a lot of potato and dairy products.
Netherlands Geography
The Netherlands are often referred to as “Holland”, but this is inaccurate as North Holland and South Holland are merely 2 of the 12 provinces that comprise the whole country. These provinces are: Zeeland, Friesland, and Groningen which border the North Sea, and North Brabant, Limburg, Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, Drenthe, and Flevoland. The coastal regions in the Netherlands have to be protected by dunes and artificial dikes, because 40% of the entire country is below sea-level and has a flat landscape. As a result, it often floods and canals run throughout to make travel easier.
Netherlands Language
Dutch is the national language; however English is widely spoken throughout.
Most Popular City in Netherlands
The capital, Amsterdam, is the largest city in the Netherlands, with around 740000 of the country’s over 16 million people, closely followed by Rotterdam and The Hague (also the seat of government).Dutch stations which have Eurostar services.