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St Pancras to Germany
St Pancras International offers the fastest transport to Germany, with direct services to top cities such as Aachen and Cologne.... Book Eurostar Tickets
Der SchwarzwaldThe Black Forest... The Black Forest is the setting for many of the Brothers Grimm fairytales, and lies to the south, in Germany’s mountainous regions. The name comes from its thickly forested coverings of dark fir and pine trees, and it has many beautiful hills and valleys for hiking and cross-country skiing. It is also popular as the source of the rivers Neckar and Danube; accommodation (especially Black Forest country inns) is reasonably priced here. [LEARN MORE]>Neuschwanstein CastleThis is the most renowned of all the castles in Germany, overlooking the Hohenschwangau valley. It took sixteen years to build from alabaster after being commissioned by King Ludwig II, and is the inspiration for Walt Disney’s most famous Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland.[LEARN MORE]> OktoberfestEvery year Munich, in the Bavaria region, hosts the Oktoberfest which lasts two weeks and ends on the first Sunday of October. It is most famous for the beer consumption and merrymaking seen therein, but there are other types of entertainment including costumed performers and live music venues.[LEARN MORE]> |