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There are 3 main stations in Lyon: Lyon Part Dieu, Lyon Perrache in the centre of the city and Lyon Saint-Exupery TGV located next to the airport. Trains between St Pancras and Lyon run around 18 times a day, but the train due to arrive at 22:59 also runs on Saturdays from 9th January 2010, and the 21:01 also runs on Saturday 19th, 26th December 2009 and 2nd January 2010.
Eurostar trains between St Pancras International and Lyon have average journey times of between 5 hours 16 minutes and 5 hours 41 minutes (according to whether you change at Paris or Lille), making travel by highspeed rail very popular and convenient. Lyon is popular with tourists that book tickets for early summer travel.
Lyon has opportunities for all types of visitors, from arts and crafts markets, outdoor sporting and leisure activities, to historic monuments (it is a UNESCO World Heritage site) and many sight-seeing tours.
Lyon is excellent for fine dining and shopping, with over 3000 boutiques and designer shops hosting names like Dior, Cartier and Louis Vuitton. There are also specialist shops for artwork and antiquities in the south quarter.
The architecture is not to be missed, as world-renowned architects have made additions to the city, including Soufflot, Mansart, Tony Garnier, Bossan, Delfante, Nouvel, Calatrava, Botta, Buren and Piano.
Points of Interest
Fourvière’s Roman theatre
The Théâtres Romains de Fourvière was built by the order of Augustus between 17-15 B.C., and expanded under the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. It was originally dedicated to Cybele and is the oldest in France.
Lyon has many museums with a wide array of collections open to the public, and the buildings these are housed in are in their own right magnificent monuments. They show the heritage of the city, but adapt constantly to cope with demand and increasing popularity. The Confluence Museum houses a variety of artefacts dating from the Gallo-Roman civilisation to the Resistance period. Examples of exhibits include the silk and textile trade and original cinematographic inventions.