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Trains between St Pancras and Bordeaux run around 8 times a day.Eurostar trains between St Pancras International and Bordeaux have average journey times of 6 hours 47 minutes and at least 7 hours 25 minutes (according to whether tickets are for change at Paris or Lille), making travel by highspeed rail very popular and convenient. Bordeaux is popular in late spring for tourists, but throughout spring, visitors can sample the produce of its wine trade.
Bordeaux is popular for its winemaking and vineyards- it has a long history of this dating back to Roman times, and was controlled by the merchants as opposed to the monastery like other parts of France. Bordeaux was occupied by the English around the beginning of the 14th century, and was under both German and English control between the 17th and 18th centuries. Indeed, these two occupants controlled most of the winemaking and trade, which was sold in barrels right up until the end of the Second World War, when it was bottled to mature.
Bordeaux comprises of 4 quarters:
Points of interest
pic1> | Croiseur Colbert The former battleship from the Gulf War is now a floating museum. |
pic2> | Palais de la Bourse The city’s stock exchange is notable for its architecture. |
pic3> | Zoo de Bordeaux Pessac Attractions include hundreds of animals, fossilised exhibits, water tabogganing, playgrounds and restaurant facilities. |
pic4> | Arachon Museum & Aquarium There are paleontological and archaeological features to show every aspect of marine specimens, as well as 1980000 litres of water that house the sealife here. |
pic5> | Chartreuse Cemetery Goya, Lacour and Flora Tristan are some of the significant people buried here. |