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Eurostar trains between St Pancras International and Biarritz have average journey times of 8 hours, 30 minutes, making travel by highspeed rail very popular and convenient. Biarritz is popular with tourists booking tickets for summer, as you can enjoy the surfing, outdoor street entertainment and other sports best at this time.Trains between St Pancras and Biarritz run around 2 times a day.
Biarritz, the “Beach of Kings”, was once a whaling settlement and is now the surf capital of Europe, making it ideal for watersports and other outdoor activities such as white water rafting, horse riding and walking. It is located on the Basque coast and combines the best of its French, Spanish and Basque influences. There are two thalassatherapy and spa centres, plenty of surf schools and lots of beach clubs, playgrounds and the child Day Care Centre in Villa Estella. Golfing is immensely popular in the area; the Golf de Biarritz le Phare located right in the town centre spreads over 34 hectares, and Ilbarritz International Training Centre was designed by architect Pierre Thévenin, with free shuttle service. Biarritz is good for families, and campers. There are many campsites in the area.
Points of Interest
pic1> | The Hotel du Palais Queen Victoria, Frank Sinatra and Ernest Hemingway have all visited the summer mansion of Napoleon III and Empress Eugenia. Biarritz’ grandest address overlooks the main beaches and Atlantic Ocean. There are excellent sporting facilities; its luxury and charm make the Hotel du Palais popular with holidaymakers and sports enthusiasts alike. |
pic2> | Le Phare de Biarritz The lighthouse, built in 1834, stands 73 metres above sea level, with 248 steps to the summit. Cape Hainsart (so called because of the oaks surrounding it), which the lighthouse dominates, divides the Landes and the Basque coasts. |
pic3> | La Chapelle Impériale The Imperial Chapel is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Black Madonna of Mexico and was listed as a historical monument in 1981. Empress Eugénie de Montijo requested its construction in 1864, and it combines Roman-Byzantine and Hispano-Mauresque styles. |
pic4> | Planète Chocolat The “Musée du Chocolat” has an exclusive collection of chocolate sculptures that show the development of the confectionery. There are also public tasting sessions and tours of the museum. |
pic5> | Musée Historique de Biarritz The Historic Museum shows the history of Biarrirz and its development from a small fishing port to a cosmopolitan seaside resort. It is housed in an old Anglican church and contains collections, paintings and videos that show the best of Biarritz’ history. |